Sunday, November 24, 2013


I really like the use of color for this website.  I like how the designer used the red for some of the navigation.  It breaks up the navigation from being the same all over. Also, i like how the red bleeds up into the navigation bar.  It adds a little bit more to the website but does not over do it. The use of color is done very well for this website.

Strong Color Scheme

I really like the layout of this website. The color scheme is really strong.  I like how the colors are used to break up the text.  Also, i like the background image.  It fits nicely with the color scheme and i think it is a really good contrast between the background and the black wrapper. 

Friday, November 22, 2013


This is also a good layout for a website on an iphone.  It has the categories that you can search in.  Also, there is a way to search for a specific product or type of product.  I like how at the bottom you can change what country the site is on.  Lastly the slideshow of the pictures is strong because it shows some of the products that are available. 


This is an image of amazon website on an iphone.  I like this becuase it includes possible options for you.  If it is not the right person you can easily sign out.  Also, There is a way to search for something specific or you can search by department.  The layout is very effective for being on such a small screen. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Carol Rivello

I like this website.  The design elements are intriguing.  Also, I like the twitter icon.  She chose to use the bird.  That is different from most people.  I think there is a lot more that could be done with it but this is a good start.  I like the details around the bird as well. The home page is very simple which i think is a better way of doing it.  I do not think you should start a website out with a bunch of crap on the front page.  Let the viewer know what they are looking at before things get to crazy.

Strong Layouts

This is a strong layout.  I really like the navigation.  It is very unique.  It stands out.  I like how the headline type is a gradient similar to the background.  Also, the bubbles at the bottom are good places for extra information.  It seems like it would be very well organized.  


Bad Site

There is way to much going on in this website.  The background is interesting but it should not be a background for a website.  It might work if the type and other boxes on the website were more different then the background.  You kind of get lost in the site.  There are a lot of colors and It seems unorganized.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shitty Layout

What a shitty website.  The backgroud is awful.  There is way to much going on.  Also, you can barely read the type.  The yellow is an eye sore.  The red is difficult in the picture box.  The layout seems unfinished.

Susan Lenz

I thought Susan’s border for her website was interesting.  It had buttons on the left and rights sides and the top was some sort of cloth with a triangular pattern on it.   It was white.  She had good typography, and everything was easy to follow.  There was a lot of information about her and her work which I like because I think it gives you an idea of what the artist is interested in.  This way you can better know the thoughts behind her work. I am not a huge fan of the white background.  i think white is a boring color unless used correctly.  I have seen worse.  I think she could have made the navigation a little bigger as well. 


This is a a strong website. I like how there are the different colors that describe the type of drink.  Also, The pictures of each drink is done very well.  It would be better if it was in english so i could understand it.  I think it is in German. Also, the graphic work is done well.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Notebook Website

I really like the layout of this website.  The theme is a good theme.  I get the feeling of a notebook of some sort.  This could be used for so many things.  A notebook can be used for many different things.  I think the hands could be used well also.  I am not sure how it could be used but i am sure there is something that could be done